Forums - MVC2: All hail Thanos, Lord Of Suckage Show all 19 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MVC2: All hail Thanos, Lord Of Suckage ( Posted by ej_333 on 03:21:2002 06:33 PM: MVC2: All hail Thanos, Lord Of Suckage Hey all, now, i know Thanos really really f8ckin sucks, but anyway, I'm fooling around with him on one of my fun teams, I was wondering if anyone had any strats on him. I read a Thanos thread long ago, anyone come up with anything new since then? I read somewhere that Pryde said Thanos can kill assists well, but I'm not quite sure how Thanos can do that. Only thing I can think of is Orange Ball DHC'd into something, or something DHC'd into Orange Ball. I've tried ways to connect two Orange Balls on an assist, but I don't think I've ever been successful, the opponent's point usually gets in the way and shields the assist. Anyway, the team I try to use is Doom (rocks)/Thanos (bubble)/Cammy (AAA). Doom messes around, tryin to connect a Photon Array, then DHC into Thanos Orange Ball for big damage. If in corner, I DHC into Rock Shower instead, because it does epic damage there. Then Thanos basically jumps around and dies, trying to land a jab or short with Doom rocks behind him. If opponent does something far away but with recovery, use the Life Suckage DHC into Maximum Cammy, then hope the char is almost dead so a couple blocked Doom rocks or Cammy throws will kill him off. It's really important Doom stays alive and somehow lands a DHC into Orange Ball on the point char or an assist, otherwise, this team has almost no chance to win. Not that the team has much of a chance of winning anyway, but oh well, hehe. Couple tricks for the team. Doom and Cammy can ground throw into Bubble Assist. If Thanos somehow lands a jab or short, combo into dn MK, OTG with Cammy AAA, bubble, dash stnd HK, Orange Ball, that combo hurts a lot, too bad it's rollable. General Thanos stuff: If HP throw into corner, can combo stnd HK -> Life Suckage Stnd HK has huge recovery, if quick oppponent blocks it, I think he can dash in and kill you, make sure to cover your ass with assist or special move or something. Jump LK is instant overhead, too bad you can't combo anything after it. That's all I know! F8ck, Thanos sucks! Posted by Meelj on 03:21:2002 06:57 PM: I'm pretty sure you can combo the "orange ball" into the "life suckage". Thanos isnt that bad, I once picked him on accident before a tournament, had a little streak. I even almost ocv'ed a guy. I havent played Thanos, (let alone, MvC2) in awhile. But when I play it, I'll be back with some more strats. Posted by Omilit on 03:22:2002 04:01 AM: why make this thread if you think Thanos sucks so bad? I used to use Mag/Doom/Thanos. Mag throwing the opponent into the capture assist.I haven't played the game in a really long time, but i'll post a few good combos. -,,, hcf+PP, hcb + KK (the life sucking super)? this is his B&B. Good dmaage. - (corner):, s.b+fk, rock super. Sorry, forgot notation. - (corner):,, hcf+PP, rock super. Cancel right into rock super after the 9 th hit. Good thing about this is it leaves hardly any recovery damage. But it is tech-rollable. Posted by popoblo on 03:22:2002 04:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Meelj I'm pretty sure you can combo the "orange ball" into the "life suckage". Thanos isnt that bad, I once picked him on accident before a tournament, had a little streak. I even almost ocv'ed a guy. I havent played Thanos, (let alone, MvC2) in awhile. But when I play it, I'll be back with some more strats. yes. do a standing lk, mk >> orange ball. on the 8th hit, throw out the "life suckage" super, and that's 9 hits. it's not that hard to do, you just have to get the timing right. good damage. and his standing fp is a great move to use. his jumping fierce is great, because it's fast, and covers in front very well. Posted by Dasrik on 03:22:2002 04:28 AM: How to beat Thanos: * chip him once * hold up-back for the rest of the match (or until he tags out Thanos somehow) If it weren't for the fact that they forgot to give Thanos an air-throw, he would be 3rd tier AT WORST, but this glaring omission knocks him all the way down to bottom IMO. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 03:22:2002 04:49 AM: Hey he doesn't have an air throw huh? I just use him for combos and if he has meter, he's not bad. To punish assist, use his Reality Gem, then DHC into something like a does about 60% life on most characters. If one rock hits from his Space super, you CANNOT roll...but you can roll before they hit...and if they block any super aside from Power...then you lose. His s. FP xx bubble isn't bad...not rewarding, but not a bad way to build meter. His dash move works like an air dash...uh that's all I know. Always pick capture or launcher. Launcher for THC(space). That's about all I have. Thanos is fun though, but yea, too easy to beat. Posted by Hoju Jr on 03:22:2002 05:01 AM: Thanos is too good! first of all the Life Suckage super is probably the fastest super in the game! and plus it is like a throw which leave u invincible after hitting the target! This is good when the opponnent is cable or BH! if cable does JBF u can do the super and it will stop him! Thanos is also very good with tron! LOL 100% combo in the corner! call out tron, cr.short,short, orange ball super, Rocks super. Thanos is good against people who do rush down! like magneto! If u call out tron while doing JBF it will stop them from rushing! tron Projectile assist stops them from rushing in on the ground and JBF stop from air dashing! My team is Storm/Thanos/Tron what I do with storm is either rush down or run away! then when I get the pop up I do the un-combo and cancel into the life suckage.... that does a good 70% life.... and then thanos takes care of the rest! Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 03:22:2002 06:47 AM: Oh yes...I forgot to mention a combo I figured out. lk, lk xx power, power xx Hailstorm, land w/ storm second power ball hits, hailstorm again. double Hailstorm combo. Posted by ej_333 on 03:22:2002 09:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by Omilit why make this thread if you think Thanos sucks so bad? dude, I need all the help I can get with thanos, so I'm asking for help, what's the big deal. and he IS pretty damned lousy, you can't deny it! Good supers... good normals... that's it! anyway, cool responses. yeah, i know you can combo Life Drain after Orange Ball, but I don't like to use it sometimes, because it doesn't do much damage. Depends on situation, I guess. And chunli's pimp, that multiple balls and hailstorm combo sounds HELLA tight, I'll have to try out Thanos+Storm sometime... BTW, is his back + HK a good anti air normal? seems decent to me, hmm... also, I think I'll be trying Doom/Thanos/Cyke instead of Doom/Thanos/Cammy. Cyke helps out Doom a lot more than Cammy, I think, especially for combo setup. Also, Doom and Thanos lose really bad to Storm, I need Cyke to fight Storm. EDIT: I don't really know any fancy combos with Thanos. Uhh, hmm, after comboing Orange Ball in corner, you can superjump and do 6 hit chain. Woo hoo. Posted by Orion_of_Chaos on 03:22:2002 12:08 PM: When I play thanos, I usually use Blackheart/Thanos/Do0m...,, QCF+PP, QCF+PP, QCB+KK I think it might be rollable, but it's huge if it hits... You need a good battery on your team to play thanos, because he's a black hole for meter... also, RH(the one where he does a really high kick), bubble anything... if your opponent doesn't mash out of the bubble quick enough, this is his infinite... Posted by BarrelO on 03:22:2002 06:46 PM: I asked Viscant about Thanos a while back, and he said that he could be effective if you pair him with Sentinel and "someone good." I don't know if that still applies, though. Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 03:22:2002 07:50 PM: Anyone can win if they have either: Sent/G, Storm/A, or Tron/G. Basically, cross up and try to land a combo while watching for anti air. Chun li is worse than Thanos and I can win with her sometimes doing that. Just cross up with his air dash move, then try to cross up and when you land do a Space gem right away if it hits. I mainly use Thanos for an assist, but I know he's not bad against rushdown. His b+FK isn't GREAT anti air, but I've traded hits with alot of triangle jumps. His infinte isn't mashable though, is it? I can't ever set it up, but I remember geting like 8(50%) hits before I messed up, and they were mashing pretty furiously... edit: I said Tron so casually, but she's prolly his best beneficial assist, with Sent right behind and Storm right behind that. Posted by Remy Saotome on 03:22:2002 08:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik How to beat Thanos: * chip him once * hold up-back for the rest of the match (or until he tags out Thanos somehow) If it weren't for the fact that they forgot to give Thanos an air-throw, he would be 3rd tier AT WORST, but this glaring omission knocks him all the way down to bottom IMO. What's to stop Thanos from chipping you while you air block? Or couldn't he Gaurd Break you? Even if Thanos himself can't GB, pair him with SonSon AAA and use her assist to GB. I actually don't use Thanos, so I'm more curious than trying to prove you wrong. Don't take this badly. Posted by Dasrik on 03:22:2002 08:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by Remy Saotome What's to stop Thanos from chipping you while you air block? Or couldn't he Gaurd Break you? Even if Thanos himself can't GB, pair him with SonSon AAA and use her assist to GB. I actually don't use Thanos, so I'm more curious than trying to prove you wrong. Don't take this badly. Thanos doesn't have anything practical to follow a guardbreak with, and he doesn't have any safe moves that chip, except for Power Gem which one can easily avoid. If he calls an assist, hammer it with your own assist and keep jumping back. Posted by ej_333 on 03:22:2002 08:47 PM: hmm, a lot of people advocating storm and sentinel for thanos teammates... i've stopped using sent lately, but looks like i'll have to pick him back up! too bad, though, i like using doom, he's fun quote: Originally posted by Remy Saotome What's to stop Thanos from chipping you while you air block? Or couldn't he Gaurd Break you? actually, thanos has an easy ass guard break, just jump LP HP chain, tiny pause in between. against super jumping runaway, like storm, he has absolutely no chance, though. btw, it's hilarious, people i play against, they seem to think thanos's normals (ie jump or stand fierce) hurt lots because they look so big and energy like, but really, they do just normal damage. i don't point that out to them, though, hehe, anything i can do to get an intimidation edge! Posted by CoolWater on 03:22:2002 08:48 PM: Thanos does suck, especially when you compare him to his previous self in Marvel Super Heroes. But that doesn't mean I don't like him. I mean Geese kinda sucks *Please forgive my blaqphemy, o lord* but I still like to kick ass with him. Probably cause I have serious problems using characters I already know that I can whoop ass with. So why not use someone with a little flair and style? Thonos is cool, and deadly, but for the most part, he has nothing going for him. His enormous lag, big targetness and useless assists, make him a fun punching bag for Magnetos and Striders all around the world. Posted by BarrelO on 03:22:2002 10:13 PM: quote: Originally posted by ej_333 against super jumping runaway, like storm, he has absolutely no chance, though. Why don't you try Soul Gem? Posted by Chun-Li's Pimp on 03:22:2002 10:20 PM: Thanos has a guardbreak. jump and jab, land and soul. Just don't use Thanos vs runaway storm. Unless it's a tourney or something though, I would hope people would at least TRY to have fun, and not run away from a thanos player. lol. His power Gem seeks you, so super jumping back or mid screen won't get you anywhere...but yea, it's not hard to get away from. If you do thanos' power glitch I think you could win? Posted by ej_333 on 03:22:2002 10:33 PM: quote: Originally posted by BarrelO Why don't you try Soul Gem? storms wise up after they get hit by soul gem a couple times. they start doing smart runaway, instead of dumb runaway, they stop doing typhoons or lightning attacks. Plus, they don't really have to do anything if they have a lead, they can just stay away from Thanos and maybe avoid a ground throw when they land. He's kinda too slow to dash underneath them and cross them up when they land, although, hmm, now that i think about it, his dwn HP launcher is really vertical, maybe it can confuse about which way they have to block... storm's queen of runaway, though, i guess thanos may have a little less difficulty to catch up to other runaway chars... also, i think i've noticed that although soul gem tracks the point char, it can't go through assists if the point char is behind the assist, soul gem just bounces off the assist, which leaves Thanos wide open. hmm, i guess in that situation, maybe I should bait assist, do Orange ball, then DHC into something painful... hmm, now that i think about it, i should use soul gem more against flying sentinels, too... All times are GMT. The time now is 11:57 PM. Show all 19 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.